
Keys to a perfect package for online store shipping

As the world of e-commerce develops, so do the expectations of the online shopping customer in parallel. Years ago, packaging and shipping were simply a way to receive a product purchased online.

However, more and more people are now wanting shipping, packaging and presentation to be a fundamental part of their shopping experience.

60% of Spanish online consumers consider receiving their purchase directly at home as an excellent reason to buy products online.

This means that for many companies competing effectively means going beyond selling merchandise: it’s all about impressing customers and exceeding their expectations by delivering more than just a product, a complete experience.

Your packaging and presentation can become an effective way to differentiate you from the rest.

Remember that the order is the only physical touch point between a digital business and its customers. And it is necessary to pamper it so that the encounter between the two is exciting. 

Take note of these keys that we share with you. 

Look for a packaging that identifies with your brand

Resistant, practical, attractive… It is important that your package is identified with the products you sell and the brand you communicate. And this goes beyond putting your brand on the packaging.

No one would imagine that Apple would use sloppy, low-quality packaging for shipments of its high-end technology products, or that a brand that cares about environmental issues would preferably choose plastic packaging when it could use more sustainable, and equally effective, packaging alternatives.

Consumers are increasingly aware of and concerned about the environmental impact of the packaging of their online purchases. 7 out of 10 consumers are concerned about the impact of additional packaging on the environment and 43% say they are even willing to pay more for more sustainable materials.

In this way, with your packaging, you express your brand values and create an excellent shopping experience for your customers.

Opt for EcoResponsible packaging

In conjunction with the above, if your brand today is not committed to using sustainable packaging, now is the time. 

Sustainable packaging is the principle of a new economic model based on the so-called circular economy: reduce, reuse, replace, renew and recycle.

In other words, it is not (only) concerned with whether ‘the box’ is going to be pretty or the bag eye-catching, but also with the impact of its production process, transport and subsequent recycling.

And bear in mind that, to be considered sustainable packaging, it must have one or more of these characteristics: 



Made from recycled materials


Choose packaging similar in size to that of the merchandise.

For sustainability, practicality, safety and savings. It makes sense to choose the cardboard box, envelope or shipping tube whose size is closest to the size of the goods it will hold. 

Transport companies take into account both the weight of the shipments and the space they occupy to establish their rates; therefore, sending air to your customers can be very expensive.

Also, too much empty space inside a box can have two consequences:

  • The products may move during transport and arrive damaged at their destination.
  • You may have to spend an exaggerated amount of padding and protective packaging to fill the gaps.

Don’t hesitate. The perfect package for an e-commerce shipment does not fit the model of using a huge box to ship a pencil.

Get the padding and protective packaging just right

To ensure safe and smooth transit, the perfect e-commerce shipping package should not lack filler packaging.

When deciding which filler packaging to use, consider the type of product you are selling, and the function the filler packaging has to fulfill:

wrap and cushion shocks

secure products and fill the inside of packages

protect fragile surfaces

wrap products that are sensitive to electricity…

And don’t forget that presentation is also an important factor. The customer’s perception that the products he has purchased have traveled perfectly protected is a loyalty factor.

But don’t overdo it. 

Finally the product hold: Bandex® elastic bands

Bandex elastic bands for the packaging industry have become indispensable as they offer a versatile and practical, as well as sustainable, fastening, thus avoiding the abuse of plastics such as wires, clips, films, etc.

They are mainly used to hold and group small products and prevent them from coming loose and ending up scattered around the boxes.

Their characteristics are: 

Soft elasticity in use and firmness for a long-lasting hold.

Organic product: 100% natural rubber


Wide range of sizes and colors, perfectly adaptable to your brand or type of packaging. 

How many times have you seen your Internet purchases arrive in plastic bags, paper and cardboard to prevent the boxes from shifting or opening during transport?

A natural rubber band, which comes from a renewable source such as the hevea brasiliensis tree, holding the products and boxes is an economical and sustainable solution to ensure a correct presentation to the final customer and avoid accumulations of waste.

The most important thing for the consumer is that the packaging guarantees that the product will arrive protected and in perfect condition, but without oversizing the packaging. 

In this sense, elastic bands are a versatile and practical fastening product. 

One more extra tip: Don’t forget the details

What feelings do you want to arouse in your customers when they open their order? Think about it. 

This is your chance to surprise, delight and create a memorable shopping experience that will make them come back to your website again and again.

Here are some ideas to add to your package to achieve this wonderful effect:

Samples of other products.

A discount voucher for the next purchase.

A handwritten thank you note.

A brochure or catalog of your brand.

You already have the ideal package to consolidate the relationship between your customers and your online store. 

Do you want to keep repeating and improving the process of preparing your orders? 

Write to us, we have the perfect hold for your product. 

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