Goma elástica de caucho natural: opción sostenible para floricultura

Elastic rubber bands: a sustainable option for floriculture

Since the late 19th century, flowers have become an indicator of status and wealth among Europe’s emerging bourgeoisie. Today, the floriculture industry is an important and constantly evolving market; cut flowers are gaining prominence. 

In 2020, the value of cut flower and ornamental plant production in the EU27 was €8,220.1 million, with the Netherlands (50%), Germany (11%), Belgium (6%), and Italy (5%) being the leading exponents of the market. Spain accounted for 4% of the total.

Aalsmeer: the world’s great flower auction

The Royal Flora Holland brings together the world’s largest cut flower trading structure in terms of surface area. On the outskirts of Aalsmeer, Holland, 27 million flowers pass through every day after being auctioned.

“More than 10,000 people pass through the one in Aalsmeer every day. It is the largest and serves the most diverse local, regional, and global markets. At home and abroad, it is the face of the industry.”

Anthropologist Andrew Gebhardt in an interview for El País.

In an interview with El País, anthropologist Andrew Gebhardt traces the beginnings of this practice to the end of the 19th century. However, since the Dutch Golden Age, the wealthy class’s importation of flowers for garden decoration gave way to the first bids in the floriculture industry. The Aalsmeer auction opened for the first time in 1911.

How are the flowers preserved when they arrive at Aalsmeer? Upon arrival, the flowers are taken to a cold storage room, where they wait to be auctioned and arrive at their destination through a carefully bundled logistical system. Here, they can stay up to 3 weeks.

Sustainable flowers and plants: with environmentally friendly tying and fastening systems made of natural rubber or raffia.

The growing demand for sustainable flowers and plants is an important trend in the industry today. Florists and consumers seek locally grown flowers that are sustainably produced without harmful pesticides and chemicals. 

Therefore, using environmentally friendly practices in their production lines is a determining factor, including using organic products and recyclable materials and reducing the use of plastics and polluting waste.

A clear example is seen in the tying systems for holding stems and ornamental bouquets, including: 

  • Raffia ribbons

Tape is created from raffia, a natural fiber material obtained from the leaves of the Raphia palm tree.

  • Sisal ropes

Ropes are obtained from sisal, a natural and sustainable material from the agave plant.

  • Natural Rubber band

Rubber bands are made from natural rubber, a milky substance called latex extracted from tropical plants such as Hevea brasiliensis.

Imagen de Elastic rubber bands: a sustainable option for floriculture
Tying systems for holding stems and ornamental bouquets

Elastic rubber bands: a sustainable option for floriculture made in Bandex

Elastics made by using natural rubber are a widely used material in the floriculture industry due to their properties for holding, propagation, and support, both in plantations and in cut flower handling. 

  • Holding: In plantations, they hold the stems and branches of plants, helping to keep them erect and upright. This is very important for their growth and development. Once cut, they are used for holding stems and ornamental bouquets. 
  • Propagation: used to fix plant cuttings in place while growing roots.
  • Support: Used to help climbing plants cling to supporting structures, allowing them to rise and grow more efficiently.

From Bandex, we manufacture and commercialize elastic rubber bands made of 100% natural rubber, which is presented as a quick and economical solution for the floriculture industry, given its properties in terms of durability and impermeability as its use and handling. 

  • Composition: It is a product manufactured from 100% natural rubber and other elements necessary for its creation, which provides it with characteristics such as elasticity and firmness compared to other alternative systems. On the other hand, it does not damage the stems or leave residues on them after use. 
  • Durability: Natural rubber is very resistant to withstand the pressure and weight of the stems and branches of the bouquets. In addition, it can be reused at different times in the production process.   
  • Elasticity: The elasticity of the rubber allows it to adjust to the shape and size of the flower stems, facilitating its fastening without damaging the product.
  • Exposure: It is a waterproof product that withstands extreme temperatures between -48°C < tº < 93°C. This allows it to be used under various environmental conditions. On the other hand, its waterproof properties make it highly resistant to water and humidity.  
  • Use and handling: the natural rubber elastic band is a very easy-to-use product. Only the stems and branches of the bouquet need to be tied. Compared to other systems, it decreases the time required for tying and reduces the risk of product damage during the process.

Bandex manufactures and commercializes a wide range of colors and sizes of this natural rubber band. Among the most popular sizes are 120 * 6 / 120 * 5 / 60 * 1.8 in blue, orange, red, green, and yellow. For the 60 * 2 size, the most common color is natural. 

Generally, these products are marketed in the standard packaging of 1 kg bags, 25 kg sacks, or 20 kg boxes, although other formats are available upon request.

Today, our company joins to ensure environmental care and sustainability in its product lines. Since 2018, we have implemented a Waste Management System, which led us to obtain ZERO WASTE Certification by Bureau Veritas

On the other hand, we ensure compliance with the Royal Decree on Packaging and Packaging Waste by joining projects such as ENVALORA, focused on organizing and financing the management of industrial packaging with maximum efficiency.

In other words, Bandex’s elastic rubber bands are a sustainable, resistant, and durable option for the floriculture industry.

“So simple, that it just works”


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